Q. After decades of dreaming for it, is a mid-engine Corvette finally coming? — G.R. (via Internet) 

A. Yes, look for it as a 2020 model. 

Q. What do you think about Jaguar’s first crossover vehicle, the F-Pace? — J.C. (via Internet)

A. It’s ugly. That’s too bad because Jaguar once was known for making beautiful, if somewhat unreliable, cars. Unfortunately, Jaguar isn’t the only automaker that produces bulky looking crossover vehicles. 

Q. Which is more fun to drive—the new Toyota Camry or new Honda Accord? — P.S. (via Internet)

A. The Honda Accord, although both are well-developed autos for daily driving. 

Q. I hear the days are numbered when I’ can buy a car from the small neighborhood family owned dealership where I bought new cars over the years. Is this true? — J.B. (via Internet)

A. Alas, small to mid-size dealers and dealer groups are selling out to auto retail giants or investment firms.

Q. Are the sexy, but costly, Alfa Romeos worth the money? — E.H. (via Internet)

A. The new Alfa models look good, go like hell and handle well, but they have substandard interiors for the money. Fast, sexy Italian cars have always been fun but also have had a reputation for marginal reliability. It remains to be seen if the relatively new Alfa Romeos being sent here are as reliable as they should be.

Q. What are some of the hazards that self-driving “robot” cars face that nobody seems to talk about? — M.K. (via Internet)
A. Will a robot remember that there often is black ice near the bushes by the river in cold weather or that kids on Elmwood Avenue play ball on the street all summer?

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